Law 792: Advanced Empirical Methods in Law
Advanced Empirical Methods in Law is an opportunity for students who have completed the Empirical Methods in Law course to further advance their scholarly empirical work. This course will involve substantial research employing empirical methods to delve deeper into the areas explored in the prerequisite course work. Students will further explore survey research methodology, the design and conducting of experiments, the coding of archival data, and statistical analysis as determined by and applied to the particulars of the student’s empirical project. This is a pass/fail course.
Sequence and Prerequisites: Empirical Methods in Law; Professor approval of written plan to further advance the critical analysis of the original paper completed for the Empirical Methods in Law course.
Evaluation: Students will fulfill the course requirements by writing a paper suitable for submission for publication in a law review or social science journal. This is a pass/fail course.
Categories: Current Legal Problems / Upper-Level