Eric Sirota
Visiting Research Associate
Eric Sirota joined the College of Law faculty in March 2014 as a Clinical Associate with the Community Preservation Clinic. As a clinical associate, Sirota oversees students who represent borrowers in foreclosure, represents clients, and helps to establish and administrate foreclosure mediation programs throughout Central Illinois.
Before the University of Illinois College of Law, Sirota worked as an Assistant Attorney General for the Illinois Attorney General’s Consumer Fraud Bureau. There, he engaged in consumer protection enforcement litigation against businesses in the pharmaceutical, mortgage, and construction industries. While working for the attorney general, Eric initiated and lead a lawsuit against Safeguard Properties, the first lawsuit of any attorney general against a national property management company for illegally evicting those living in foreclosed homes.
Prior to working for the Attorney General, Sirota worked as a staff attorney at Prairie State Legal Services, a legal aid organization operating in the collar counties surrounding Cook County. There, Sirota specialized in low income foreclosure defense and also handled cases in a number of other areas including evictions and public benefits. He also served as Prairie State’s representative to the state-wide utility Percentage of Income Payment Plan implementation committee, where he was instrumental in drafting the program’s due process rules.
Eric graduated magna cum laude from the University of Illinois College of Law where he received a Rickert Award for Excellence in Service.