ABA Required Disclosures

The following information about the University of Illinois College of Law is provided in compliance with ABA Standard 509:

ABA Bar Passage Report (Spring 2025)
ABA Bar Passage Report (Spring 2024)
ABA Bar Passage Report (Spring 2023)

Scholarship Retention Data – College of Law scholarships are not conditional upon maintaining a minimum grade point average or class standing and are guaranteed as long as the recipient remains enrolled. Therefore, we do not post the ABA Scholarship Retention Data Worksheet. All applicants are considered for scholarships, which are awarded to students who show the greatest promise for success in the study of law and their future professional endeavors.

The College is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association. For more information, contact:

Office of the Managing Director, American Bar Association
Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
321 North Clark Street
Chicago, Illinois 60654
(312) 988-6738
Section of Legal Education