Law 793: Negotiations Competitions

Negotiations Competitions is an experiential advocacy course conducted in the fall (two hours) and spring (two hours) semesters.  Enrollment is by audition only.  Per ABA Standard 310, in order to earn two credit hours per semester, each student must account for 90 hours of time.  Students invited to enroll in the course will compete in both regional and national competitions during the fall and spring semester.    These external competitions will vary annually.  Selected students undergo rigorous training with a practitioner coach and periodic critiques from College of Law faculty, Illinois alumni, and additional seasoned practitioners.  Participation in Negotiations Competition provides hands-on experiential training for future lawyers.  It also offers student development in prevailing over practical challenges that lawyers typically face in a modern legal practice.

Sequence and Prerequisites:  Law 793: Negotiation Skills and Strategies is not required, but is highly recommended.

Evaluation:  The course will be evaluated on written and advocacy assignments, and course participation.  The credit will be earned on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.

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