Law 794: Bankruptcy Seminar

Hear about the issues that are on the minds of leading practitioners, judges, trustees, journalists, academics, and other leaders in the bankruptcy profession. We will cover topics on large corporate restructurings, small business bankruptcies, and individual bankruptcies. After an introductory class the first week, each week we then will be joined by at least one guest who I have invited to talk with us about a topic or issue that is “on their desk right now.” I will ask the guest for suggested readings to help prepare us for the conversation. 

Sequence and Prerequisites: A basic understanding of bankruptcy law will be assumed such that completion of Bankruptcy or Secured Transactions is strongly recommended, although not required.

Evaluation: Course evaluation will be based on the required coursework: attendance and participation during the seminar, participation on the online discussion board, and reaction papers to the our guests’ presentations.

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