Law 792: Advanced Legal Research: Illinois Legal Research

In this specialized research course students will develop the skills needed to be a successful legal researcher in Illinois. Students will be introduced to the structure of the Illinois government and to Illinois specific primary law sources. Students will gain hands-on experience using Illinois primary law, as well as traditional and practitioner-oriented secondary sources-- both in print and electronic form. Students will build upon the skills first introduced in LAW 627: Legal Research, including how to find, choose, and cite to appropriate authority; how to evaluate legal resources; the ethical use of information in the law; and the legal research process, all in the context of Illinois law.

 Sequence and Prerequisites: LAW 627: Legal Research

 EvaluationThe final course grade will be based on a take-home final exam. In addition, students must complete several pass/fail out-of-class assignments and attend and participate in all class sessions. These components are not graded but failing to complete them satisfactorily will result in a reduced or failing grade for the course.

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