Law 793: CFI: Interviewing, Counseling and Fact Investigation

“CFI” is designed to help students understand and develop core lawyering skills, including effective techniques in fact gathering, client and witness interviewing, and client counseling under a range of realistic scenarios.  Lawyers need to apply these skills alongside their factual and legal analysis to represent clients competently in every legal setting from litigation to transactional planning.

Specifically, the objectives of this course are for students to develop an understanding of:

  •  the client-centered approach to lawyering
  • the structure of an interview
  • the relationship between interviewing, fact development, and theory development; and
  • client-centered counseling techniques

CFI is a problem-based simulation course. Students read and master theory and information from various disciplines and practice what they have learned in a variety of simulated interactions with clients and witnesses. CFI fits naturally as the first of a sequence of theory-based skills courses. The focus on investigation naturally precedes Trial Advocacy, the Clinics, and Negotiation.

Please note that this course has a restricted drop date for pairing purposes.

Sequence and Prerequisites: None

Evaluation: Assessment is based on a combination of written analysis, demonstration of skills through video recorded performances, and meaningful class participation.

Course Classification:  Experiential

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