Law 793: eDiscovery

This interactive course explores the legal issues that often arise when litigants are engaged in the discovery of electronically stored information (ESI). Using the framework of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM), we will discuss the fundamentals of eDiscovery law, as well as the core technologies involved in the identification, preservation, collection, processing, review, and analysis of ESI, along with their limitations. Topics will include computer forensics, cross-border discovery, data privacy concerns, and other issues that impact the real-life practice of discovery. While exploring the business of eDiscovery and the industry’s key players, students will be exposed to a variety of career paths and roles across the EDRM. They will also gain hands-on experience using an industry-leading discovery software, Relativity. Guest speakers will provide additional perspectives to prepare students for a career in eDiscovery or any role where ESI technology and the law intersect.

Sequence and Prerequisites: None.

Evaluation:  Grades will be based on a final paper, as well as class participation and preparation (including at-home exercises).

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