Law 697: Moot Court

Students may be invited following an audition generally conducted during the fall semester; the audition is open to 2L, 3L, and LLM students only.  The students selected during the fall semester audition process will then be eligible to enroll in moot court and compete in external moot court competitions in the spring semester and subsequent semesters. 

Sequence and Prerequisites:  Required prerequisites for JD students: Law 609: Introduction to Legal Writing and Analysis and Law 610: Introduction to Advocacy. There are no required prerequisites for LLM students. While it is not required, Law 793: Advanced Legal Writing: Appellate Advocacy is highly recommended.

Evaluation:  The course will be evaluated on written work, oral presentations, and providing assistance and feedback to other students enrolled in moot court during structured sessions and activities.  The credit will be earned on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis.

Course Classification: Experiential

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