Law 793: Negotiation Skills and Strategies

Students will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the negotiation process and actively apply that understanding in simulated negotiations.  Through lecture, readings, simulations, and critical self-analysis of simulation results, students will explore what constitutes a satisfactory negotiation and why negotiations often result in impasse.

 Evaluation:  Student evaluation is based on four equally-weighted criteria: full class participation (including attendance, preparedness for negotiations, and class discussions), submission of materials related to the simulated negotiations, submission of four short papers applying course concepts to simulated negotiations, and a final paper applying course concepts to a real world negotiation chosen and conducted by the student. 

 Attendance is particularly critical in a negotiations class where much of the work is conducted via in-class exercises in which students rely on their fellow students to participate.  Missed classes will entail a one-third of a grade deduction from the final course grade for each missed class after the first, and if not justified by the sorts of explanations that would satisfy a judge in the case of a lawyer missing a hearing, will entail an additional one-third grade deduction for each class missed after the first.   Must add/drop before the second class session.

Sequence and Prerequisites: None

 Course Classification:  Experiential

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