Law 645: Patent Law

This course is designed to ground students in the doctrinal foundations of patent law: Which inventions are eligible for patent protection? What are the requirements? What goes into a patent application? How are patents interpreted? How are they enforced? What are the remedies for patent infringement? The course will also briefly examine the policies behind the patent right, how patent applications are prosecuted before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, how patents are litigated in federal court, and the intersection between patent law and other areas of law. A technical background is not necessary for the course, but an interest in science and technology—and desire to understand and explain technical concepts—is needed.  

The course will principally use an open-source casebook but may also make use of topical materials as may they arise during the semester. I will also provide several materials and cases in PDF form on Canvas not covered in your casebook’s materials.

Sequence and Prerequisites: None. 

Evaluation: Exam

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