Law 686: Remedies

This course considers what plaintiffs are entitled to receive from a court when they win a case.  

It explores the application of legal and equitable remedies in a variety of contexts, including damage remedies, equitable remedies, and restitutionary remedies. Topics include remedies for personal injury, damage to property (tangible and intangible), violation of civil rights, as well as remedies arising in contract and quasi-contractual settings.  

In the study of equitable remedies, the course reviews temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions, contempt, and problems of continuing injunctive relief. With respect to remedies for injury to property interests, the class studies restitutionary remedies for the wrongful acquisition of benefits and misappropriation of ideas. The course requires students to apply their learning, working with other students to find and apply the best remedy in simulations based upon real-world cases. 

 Sequence and Prerequisites: None

Evaluation: Administered final examination

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