Law 792: Writing About Law for a Lay Audience

Clear writing is an essential part of law practice, particularly when your audience is, as it sometimes will be, a general one. Lawyers need to be able to explain legal concepts, circumstances, or opinions to a lay audience in a way that is interesting, accurate, and jargon-free. In this class you will read a great deal of clear and concise narrative writing that is also faithful to the law. You will also do independent research and construct your own longform narrative involving a particular case. Good writing requires a willingness to critically and constantly revise your work. With that in mind, your writing will be critiqued often throughout the semester, both by your peers and the professor. Your grade will be based on class participation and this long paper. Satisfies upper level writing requirement.

Sequence and Prerequisites: None

Evaluation: Your grade will be based on class participation and this long paper. This course is eligible to satisfy the upper level writing requirement.

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