Amitai Aviram
Professor of Law
Amitai Aviram studies the evolution of law and corporate governance, using analytical tools from the fields of economics and complexity studies. Specific themes explored include the mechanisms of norm enforcement in private legal systems and the role of law in manipulating perceptions. Prior to joining the Illinois faculty, he was on the faculty at Florida State University and George Mason University and was a John M. Olin Scholar of Law and Economics at the University of Chicago.
JSD, LLM University of Chicago
LLB TAU Faculty of Law
Areas of Expertise
Areas of Expertise
Business Strategy
Corporate Law
Economic Analysis of Law
History of Business Organizations
Mergers and Acquisitions
Selected Publications
Evolutionary Models of Corporate Law, in: RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON THE HISTORY OF CORPORATE AND COMPANY LAW (Harwell Wells (ed.), Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. 596-620
Officers’ Fiduciary Duties and the Nature of Corporate Organs, 2013 University of Illinois Law Review 763-784 (2013)
Forces Shaping the Evolution of Private Legal Systems, in: Peer Zumbansen & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), LAW, ECONOMICS AND EVOLUTIONARY THEORY (2011)
Counter-cyclical Enforcement of Corporate Law, 25 Yale Journal on Regulation 1 (2008)
The Placebo Effect of Law: Law’s Role in Manipulating Perceptions, 75 George Washington Law Review 54 (2006)
Regulation by Networks, 2003 BYU Law Review 1179 (2003)
See All PublicationsCourses
Business Associations I
Business Associations II
Business Strategy for Lawyers
Comparative Analysis of Legal Practice
Law Teaching Practicum
Mergers & Acquisitions
Thesis Research