Ben LeRoy
Adjunct Professor
Since graduating from the University of Illinois with both a JD and a MUP (Master of Urban Planning) in 2013, Ben LeRoy has worked as an urban planner in a variety of contexts. From 2013 through 2022, Ben worked for the City of Champaign Planning and Development Department, first as an Associate Planner and later as the Zoning Administrator. His primary responsibilities involved land use and transportation matters, including the drafting and oversight of ordinance language and intergovernmental agreements. In 2023, Ben launched an independent consulting practice, serving both developer-side and municipal-side clients.
In addition to his teaching responsibilities at the College of Law, Ben has taught both undergraduate and graduate classes at the UIUC Department of Urban and Regional Planning. He has also served on the board of the Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association, the Legislative Committee of that same organization, and as Director of the Illinois State Section of the American Planning Association. Additionally, Ben is co-director of the Illinois Zoning Atlas, a subsidiary of the National Zoning Atlas. He is a frequent presenter at urban planning conferences and can be found on Twitter @LeRoyLandUse.
JD, MUP, University of Illinois College of Law
BA, University of Michigan
Land Use Planning