Dennis LaGory

Adjunct Professor





Dennis LaGory is an adjunct professor at the College of Law. For more than twenty-six years, he has concentrated his practice on complex insurance matters. He has regularly advised insurers, reinsurers, receivers and policyholders located throughout the United States and overseas. LaGory’s experience encompasses a broad range of issues involving the insurance and health care industries, including regulatory compliance, Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) litigation, reinsurance and coverage litigation and arbitrations, and international reinsurance insolvencies. He also handles transactional matters involving health, life and captive insurers.

Recognized as a leading lawyer by Chambers USA, LaGory “is hailed by peers and clients as an excellent insurance coverage attorney and a superb writer.” He regularly advises clients on coverage issues arising in connection with long-tail claims, directors and officers liability, professional liability and builders risk policies. He has drafted coverage forms and reinsurance agreements for several major insurance company clients.

LaGory has extensive experience with insurance company insolvencies and has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Insurance Receivers.


BA Wayne State University
JD Salmon P. Chase College of Law



Selected Publications

“Reinsurance,” (Chapter 10) Illinois Insurance Industry: Laws and Regulations 2010 Edition (October 2010)

Reference Handbook on Insurance Company Runoff and Receiverships: Property/Casualty & Life/Health, 5th ed. (Editor) American Bar Association (2009)

“New York Court Refuses Reinsurer’s Request for Leave to Sue Midland Liquidator,” The Insurance Receiver (Winter 2008)

“New Jersey Appellate Court Rejects Integrity Final Dividend Plan,” The Insurance Receiver (Spring 2007)

“Notable Insolvency Decisions of 2005,” Mealey’s Insurance Insolvency & Reinsurance Roundtable (2006)

“Recent Developments in Excess, Surplus Lines, and Reinsurance Law,” 38 Tort and Insurance Practice Journal 335 (2003)

“When Pollutants Don’t Pollute: Non-Traditional Environmental Contamination and The Absolute Pollution Exclusion,” 13 CGL Rptr. 220-11 (Fall 2001)

“Reinsuring Sponsored Health Organizations,” Best’s Review Life/Health (June 1998)

Law and Practice of Insurance Regulation of Health Care Arrangements, (Editor) ABA (1996)

“Illinois Appellate Court Issues Significant Asbestos Coverage Ruling: United States v. Admiral Insurance Co.,” 17 Insurance Litigation 68 (1995)

“Federalism, Separation of Powers, and Individual Liberties,” 40 Vanderbilt Law Review 1353 (1987)

Speeches and Presentations

IAIR Insolvency Workshop (Program Co-Chair) (2013)

IAIR Insolvency Workshop (Program Co-Chair) (2010)

“Understanding Receiverships,” (Presenter) Insurer Receivership and Run-off: The Next Level (Planning Committee), American Bar Association, New York, N.Y. (June 4-5, 2009)

IAIR Insolvency Workshop (Program Co-Chair) (2009)

“Legal Update,” IAIR Insolvency Workshop (2007)

“Maximizing Recovery in Cross-Border Insolvencies,” ACI Insolvency Conference (2005)

“Emerging Theories of Health Plan Liability: Developments in Health Care Reinsurance,” Mealey’s Insurance Insolvency and Reinsurance Roundtable (1997)

“Regulatory Issues Affecting Health Care Captives,” IBC Health Care Sponsored Captives Conference (1996)

ABA TIPS National Program on Insurance Regulation of Health Care Arrangements (Program Chair) (1996)

“How Reinsurance is Regulated,” Executive Enterprises Tenth Insurance Regulation Conference (1994)

“Update on United States Reinsurance Regulation,” Eighth International Reinsurance Congress (1994)

“Directors and Officers Insurance Coverage in the Wake of the American Savings and Loan Crisis,” Hawksmere/Coopers & Lybrand Reinsurance Conference (1991)

Awards and Honors

Illinois Super Lawyers – Insurance Coverage

Leading Lawyer — Insurance/Insurance Coverage/Reinsurance, Illinois Leading Lawyers Network

Leading Lawyer — Insurance: Reinsurance Litigation, Chambers USA — America’s Leading Lawyers for Business




Advanced Legal Writing: Insurance Coverage
Introduction to Advocacy