Student Organizations

Whether it’s public interest or corporate law, Illinois offers many opportunities for students to get involved. There are groups for every type of student in all aspects of the law.

students at podium

Membership in approved student organizations is available to all students; and student organization events, activities, and programs are open to all members of the College of Law community.

American Constitution Society (ACS)

The American Constitution Society is a national organization of law students, law professors, practicing lawyers, and others.  We seek to revitalize and transform the legal debate; to counter the dominant vision of American law today, a narrow conservative vision that lacks appropriate regard for the ways in which the law affects people’s lives; and to restore the fundamental principles of human dignity, individual rights and liberties, genuine equality, and access to justice to their rightful – and traditionally central – place in American law.

Asian Law Students Association (ALSA)

ALSA serves to promote academic and professional excellence, raise awareness of issues affecting Asian Americans, and foster pan-Asian communication, friendship, and solidarity. The central mission is to provide law students with a valuable support network of friends and resources to help enrich their law school experience. ALSA also strives to build coalitions with other student organizations and to contribute to the community at large.

Bankruptcy Law Society (BLS)

The mission of the Bankruptcy Law Society is to promote the education of the Bankruptcy Code, to understand its impact on businesses and individuals, and to help connect those students interested in bankruptcy law with bankruptcy practitioners in the field. 

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Politics, race, class, and sex cannot be separated from the law. As law students, it is our responsibility to understand the intersectionality of the law and these issues and how they invariably affect us all. Our goal is to educate and activate law students to become socially-conscious lawyers in whichever practice area they enter, as well as to keep civil rights at the forefront of their minds. We recognize that structures such as capitalism, White supremacy, Zionism, sexism, queerphobia, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism as systems of oppression that must be dismantled.  We are anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-racist and we strive to incorporate these practices into our legal careers. We will work to uplift marginalized voices of all kinds through educational workshops and events. We aspire to serve as a resource for the general law student body to learn about these issues on a local, national, and global level. We pledge to work with organizations who are committed to establishing equal rights for all.

Black Law Students Association (BLSA)

The College of Law chapter of this national organization is active in bringing national speakers to campus, sponsoring events for minority undergraduate students, and engaging in other activities intended to promote community and understanding of issues affecting students and others of African descent. An annual BLSA congratulatory banquet caps the year’s events. The group has established a mentor system through which interested students are matched with practicing African-American attorneys. College of Law BLSA members are frequently elected to serve on the national organization’s Midwest regional board.

Christian Law Students Association (CLSA)

This organization is part of a national, nondenominational organization of lawyers, law students, and others in law-related fields. The College of Law chapter invites speakers, holds social functions, and works with local charitable organizations, and engages in other activities intended to explore issues relating to the Christian faith and the practice of law.

Corporate and Business Law Association (CBLA)

The CBLA strives to promote and preserve student interest in business and law, especially as they relate to each other; to infuse legal concepts into club-sponsored events and activities; and to facilitate professional growth and development.

Criminal Law Society

The Criminal Law Society at the University of Illinois College of Law (“CLS”) is dedicated to facilitating informative, engaging, and accessible discussions covering the breadth of issues associated with criminal law. CLS achieves its mission by hosting a series of speakers, panel discussions, and networking events. CLS also encourages active community involvement to confront, better understand, and help alleviate some of the contributing factors that push certain individuals into the criminal justice system. These events and activities enable students to engage with prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, policy makers, members of community organizations, and individuals who have been personally affected by contemporary criminal law policy.

Members of the Criminal Law Society come from diverse backgrounds and have political ideologies that vary extensively; however, CLS members coalesce around a shared interest in criminal law and a commitment to increasing awareness of contemporary criminal law issues at the University of Illinois College of Law.

Disability Law Society (DLS)

DLS focuses on accessibility both in the College of Law and in the legal profession and aims to educate students on the disability legal field.

Energy and Environmental Law Society (EELS)

The mission of the Energy and Environmental Law Society is to enhance the community’s awareness of energy law and environmental law issues on all levels.  The group seeks to highlight these two important areas of law by facilitating open discussion about environmental issues and the energy field, promoting sustainable environmental practices, and examining current national and global industry practices & policies.  The society strives to achieve these ends by sponsoring speakers on various topics and informing the law school student body about opportunities to learn about and practice in environmental or energy law.

Federalist Society (Federalists)

Founded in 1982, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is committed to the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to the Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks to promote awareness of these principles and to further their application by providing a forum for legal experts of opposing views to interact with members of the legal profession, the judiciary, law students, academics, and the architects of public policy. The Society seeks to foster a greater appreciation for the role of separation of powers, federalism, limited constitutional government, and the rule of law in protecting individual freedom and traditional values.

Guild of Unpaid Illinois Lawyer Thespians (GUILTY)

The objectives of this organization are: To create original productions of theatrical work by and from the students of the College of Law; To serve the professional development of the fundamental skills of improvisational ability, public speaking, and other interpersonal skills; To generate camaraderie, collaboration, and teamwork between students of the College of Law; To provide educational events specific to theatre entertainment law and specific theatre union law; and To enable all students of this College of Law artistic expression and creative outlet alongside their peers.

Health and Elder Law Society (HELS)

The mission of H&ELS is to create a forum for law students interested in careers in health law and elder law by furthering the general knowledge of the field, assisting students interested in pursuing a career in the field, and establishing connections with those who currently practice and specialize in health law and/or elder law.


If/When/How is a national non-profit network of law students, professors, and legal professionals committed to fostering the next wave of legal experts for the reproductive justice movement. Mobilizing and mentoring new lawyers and scholars is a long-term strategy that will build capacity, vision, and leadership for a more successful reproductive justice movement. Law functions as both a catalyst to prompt the expansion of rights and a tool with which to hold governments and communities accountable for the delivery of liberty, equality, dignity, and fairness promised by those rights.

Illinois Jurisprudence Society (I.J.S.)

The objective of the I.J.S. will be the advancement of philosophical and legal education among the member of the University of Illinois College of Law by organizing debates and lectures by distinguished philosophers, jurisprudes, and jurists; directed readings and discussion of key jurisprudential and philosophical texts; and other activities as the I.J.S. Executive Board may from time to time decide.

Intellectual Property Legal Society (IPLS)

The society aims to promote awareness of intellectual property issues on a local and national level, to increase resource development in the area of intellectual property, and to create a profound expertise in intellectual property matters. It also provides practical legal training through lectures and seminars.

International Student Association (ISA)

This organization is a platform for interaction of all international students as well as American students interested in intercultural communication. The goal of the organization is to foster students' experience notwithstanding their country of origin.

Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA)

The Jewish Law Students Association seeks to provide cultural and religious support to students, regardless of background or belief, to educate the student body about the cultural and religious beliefs of the Jewish people, and to better the greater community through Tzedakah, and acts of goodwill.

Labor & Employment Law Society (LELS)

The Labor and Employment Law Society is committed to growing academic and employment opportunities in Labor and Employment Law for members of the College of Law community. LELS provides students interested in employment discrimination (Title VII, ADA, ADEA, FMLA), labor law (FLSA, NLRA) and employee benefits (ERISA) with a forum to exchange ideas and interests, connect with alumni, and further their knowledge in this exciting and developing area of the law.

Latinx Law Students Association (LLSA)

LLSA’s main objective is to help incoming students make a smooth transition into the College of Law by providing a tutor/mentor program. The group invites to campus outstanding Latinx lawyers to speak with students. It assists the College of Law in recruiting students, sponsors social events, volunteers in the community, and co-sponsors the Minority Pre-Law Conference.

Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA)

The Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA) seeks to provide a cultural and religious backdrop for the issues faced by Muslim law students and highlight the legal issues faced by Muslims as a whole by hosting educational and informational events for students and the community.

Myra Bradwell Women's Law Society (WLS)

WLS focuses on the concerns of women, both in the College of Law and in the profession. The organization raises awareness of women’s issues through speakers, seminars, and informal discussions; and raises money for education and philanthropy. The group also sponsors luncheons with faculty members and other social and educational events.

National Lawyers Guild (NLG)

The National Lawyers Guild is an association dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. Our aim is to bring together all those who recognize the importance of safeguarding and extending the rights of workers, women, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, and people of color. We seek to use the law to eliminate racism and protect civil liberties for all.

OUTLAW (Sexual Orientation and Legal Issues Society)

OUTLAW is a group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students and their allies. OUTLAW promotes awareness of LGBT legal issues and provides social support through speakers and educational activities.

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity (PAD)

Phi Alpha Delta is the world’s preeminent law fraternity because of our dedication to service: service to the student, the school, the profession, and the community. It is through devotion to the ideals of compassion, courage, diversity, innovation, integrity, professionalism, and service that we better both our profession and our community. The purpose of Phi Alpha Delta is to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service.

Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF)

PILF is dedicated to bringing public interest law careers to the attention of law students and raises money for a grant program that allows students to undertake public interest work over the summer. The Foundation has funded students to work in diverse organizations, including the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Legal Clinic for the Disabled, Inc.

Real Estate Law Society (RELS)

The purpose of RELS is to build connections, foster discussion and enhance learning about the various ways the law intersects with real estate. It seeks to connect like-minded individuals to explore their interests on the many matters and stakeholders in the real estate field.

South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA)

The mission of SALSA is to promote academic and professional excellence in the legal field, advocate for the interests of its members and South Asian students at the College of Law, raise awareness of legal issues affecting South Asian students, maintain a network of SALSA alumni, provide its members with a valuable support network of friends and resources to help enrich their law school experience, build coalitions with other student organizations and contribute to the University of Illinois community at large, and foster solidarity.

Space Law Society

The SLS serves as the University of Illinois College of Law student organization dedicated to educating students within the College of Law on the developing field of Space Law. SLS serves to connect students with other Space Law organizations, and further the careers of students in Space Law.

Sports and Entertainment Law Society (SELS)

The Sports and Entertainment Law Society strives to educate students about the many legal issues that affect the world of sports and entertainment, as well as to provide opportunities within the sports and entertainment industries.

Student Bar Association (SBA)

Representatives form the student government, which works on behalf of students to improve the quality of the educational experience at the College of Law. The SBA acts as a liaison between students and the administration and recommends budget appropriations for all student organizations. A group of students appointed by the Student Bar Association serves on faculty committees that help govern the College of Law.