Meet Our Students

A few of our current students share their perspectives on the College of Law at Illinois.

Mounica Akula, JD

Everyone knows how hard it is to be in law school, just generally, but the support that you get from upperclassmen is great.

Iyana Alleyne, JD

I had never been to the Midwest or lived in the Midwest—I’m from a super small island—but I still found a way to make this place home.

Michael Cerota, JD

I came to Illinois seeking the challenge of defending my ideas with evidence and understanding that others may have different views based on similar facts.

Rama Hamad, JD

My friends that are in my classes, I love to learn from them. Both classmates and professors, they’re always willing to help when questions come up.

Jane Jeung, JD

I’m a very positive person. I feel like my life motto is “Just do it.”

Diana Mamendi, LLM

Meeting students from all over the world has broadened my perspective and made me appreciate diversity even more. My time spent in Champaign has had a lasting impact on both my personal and academic growth.

Federico Matt, LLM

The College of Law sets you up to thrive in the legal industry. Be reassured that your experience here will deeply enrich your career path and future.

Genaro Mauricio, JD

There are people, professors, and events at Illinois that will inevitably shape the direction you’re meant to go.

Cierra McCullough, JD

One of the biggest things that I value is my family. I do a lot of the things I do for my family just because of being a first-generation student and I kind of want to set a path for some of my younger siblings.

Queenie Miao, JD

My favorite thing is the professors and how they’re the smartest people I know, but they’re incredibly approachable and nice.

Mariana Renke, JD

Students actually communicate with each other here…it’s actually really collaborative, probably more than I expected.

Sarah Shamsi, JD

Something I’ve really found to be true here: people will be there for you and willing to help you.

Jacqueline Vega, JD

I think the mentorship program is very important. My mentor, he is a really good advocate for me.