Amar and Mazzone publish article on rule of law in Pennsylvania

Are state executive officials in Pennsylvania are allowed, under the state constitution, to decline to enforce a statutory provision if the executive officials conclude that the provision violates the state’s highest law, the state constitution? That’s the primary concern of a new article by Professors Vikram Amar and Jason Mazzone. Writing at Justia Verdict, the pair […]

Amar and Mazzone recap SCOTUS term at Justia

Professors Vikram Amar and Jason Mazzone take aim at the perception that the Supreme Court has taken a hard-right turn in their latest article written for Justia Verdict. “In the current term, at least, the Court has not been consistently conservative in a partisan way. Nor has the Court been particularly aggressive in taking up […]

Amar and Mazzone explore free speech in high schools in new series

After a North Carolina high school student was suspended for using the term “illegal alien” in an assignment, Professors Vikram Amar and Jason Mazzone look closely at the First Amendment issues arising from the situation. In a two-part series on Justia Verdict, the authors break down the case as if it were being presented before […]

Amar, Mazzone, and Shapiro author article on Disney’s speech-retaliation case

In early 2024, a federal district court judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Disney Corporation against Florida officials for alleged retaliation against Disney’s opposition to certain Florida laws and policies by altering the board that regulates the land where Disney World is located. Professors Vikram Amar, Jason Mazzone, and Lena Shapiro collaborated in an […]

Amar and Mazzone publish new article on ballot counting lawsuit in Mississippi

A recent lawsuit filed by the Republican National Committee and other plaintiffs challenges Mississippi’s practice of counting mail-in ballots received within five business days after “Election Day.” This practice, similar to elections in other states, could face major disruption if the lawsuit succeeds, affecting the upcoming congressional and presidential elections. Writing at Justia Verdict, Professors Vikram […]

Column in New York Times extensively cites amicus brief from Amar

Writing in the New York Times, columnist Jamelle Bouie writes that former President Donald Trump’s actions make him an insurrectionist by any reasonable definition and that the Supreme Court should uphold Colorado’s decision to bar him from the ballot. To support his case, he cites extensively from an amicus brief submitted the Supreme Court by […]