Emeriti Faculty

The University of Illinois Board of Trustees has awarded emeritus/emerita status to these faculty members upon their retirement for their honorable service to the University of Illinois:

David C. Baum, 1963-1973

Marion W. Benfield, Jr., 1966-1990

Charles H. Bowman, 1950-1975

William E. Britton, 1919-1921; 1924-1954

Kenneth S. Carlston, 1946-1969

Edward W. Cleary, 1946-1967

Rubin G. Cohn, 1949-1978

John Colombo, 1988-2016

John E. Cribbet, 1947-1988

William J. Davey, 1984-2008

Paul Heald, 2011-2024

Roger W. Findley, 1966-1991

Matthew W. Finkin, 1988-2024

George T. Frampton, 1954-1987

Eric Freyfogle, 1983-2016

George W. Goble, 1921-1956

William D. Hawkland, 1960-1964; 1971-1979

Peter Hay, 1963-1991

Paul Healey, 2000-2019

Harold W. Holt, 1928-1965

Janis L. Johnston, 1993-2003

Harry D. Krause, 1963-1994

Wayne R. LaFave, 1961-1993

Peter B. Maggs, 1964-2014

Prentice H. Marshall, 1967-1973

Oliver L. McCaskill, 1926-1946

John H. McCord, 1964-1999

John E. Nowak, 1972-2002

William H. Painter, 1972-1987

Charles W. Quick, 1967-1979

Laurie Reynolds, 1982-2016

Larry E. Ribstein, 2002-2011

Ronald D. Rotunda, 1974-2002

Merrill I. Schnebly, 1928-1956

Eugene F. Scoles, 1956-1968; 1982-1989

Elaine W. Shoben, 1975-2005

Victor J. Stone, 1955-1991

Walter L. Summers, 1920-1956

Charles J. Tabb, 1984-2019

Nina W. Tarr, 1995-2013

Charles T. Terry, 1990-2011

Thomas S. Ulen, 1983-2010

George B. Weisiger, 1924-1955

Cynthia A. Williams, 1995-2013

J. Nelson Young, 1946-1981