American Health Law Association Names Julia Sun Inaugural Student Writing Competition Winner 

The American Health Law Association (AHLA) is pleased to announce Julia Sun, a second-year law student at the University of Illinois College of Law, as the recipient of its inaugural Student Writing Competition Award. This new recognition program celebrates emerging talent and fresh perspectives in health law scholarship.  The Student Writing Competition represents AHLA’s commitment […]

Wexler invited to affiliate with National Institute of Military Justice as a Fellow

In recognition of her excellence and distinction as a leader in the field of military law, Professor Lesley Wexler has been invited to affiliate with the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) as a Fellow. NIMJ was founded in 1991, and is the only American non-profit institute dedicated to the study of improvement of the […]

Fernando Diaz ’16

Fernando Diaz has joined Gunster’s Real Property practice as of counsel at its Fort Lauderdale office. Experienced in transactions, compliance, and litigation, Diaz brings a 360-degree perspective in helping clients mitigate and resolve environmental risks and disputes. With his specialty in the complex environmental issues that arise in transactions, Diaz advises clients on risk allocation, […]

Hurd delivers Alistair Macleod Distinguished Lecture in Philosophy at Queen’s University

Heidi M. Hurd gave the prestigious Alistair Macleod Distinguished Lecture in Philosophy at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, in late February 2025. Entitled “The Immorality of Mercy,” Professor Hurd’s talk to a packed auditorium of faculty and graduate students in law and the humanities challenged the claim that mercy is compatible with justice. 

Gerke publishes co-authored article in New England Journal of Medicine

If 23andMe goes bankrupt, what happens to their millions of customers’ personal and genetic data? Sara Gerke, Melissa B. Jacoby, and I. Glenn Cohen explore this issue in a new article published on March 2 in the New England Journal of Medicine, titled “Bankruptcy, Genetic Information, and Privacy — Selling Personal Information.” The data are […]

Pam Sran ’18

Pam Sran was elected to serve as a General Director to the South Asian Bar Association (SABA) of Chicago for the 2025 bar year. SABA’s mission is to promote the professional growth of members, mentor law students and new lawyers, provide services to the local community and partner with other minority organizations. Sran previously served […]

John Greanias ’67

1/24/24: John Greanias has been awarded a research grant to develop a curriculum for academic study of the evolution of moral and ethical principles of United States law. The grant was awarded by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Greanias is presently a lecturer at Santa Clara University School of Law and a member of […]