Legal Studies Minor

The College of Law is pleased that you are considering a Minor in Legal Studies. Our innovative interdisciplinary program gives you the opportunity to learn about the law, sharpen your mind, and explore topics in the law that matter to you. 

A student takes notes in class

To finish the Legal Studies Minor, you will complete nine units (three classes) of core work that will introduce you to the law and explore some issues of current interest. You will then select one of three tracks to complete your remaining nine units. Each track offers you a different suite of engaging courses to choose from.

You can decide to focus on Law and Politics and study judicial politics, legal public policy, and the Constitution. Or, you can focus on Law and Cultures and explore legal issues affecting race, gender, minorities, immigrants, and human rights. If you are especially interested in environmental law, economics, and food sustainability, you can learn about these important topics in the Law and Economics of Food Security and Sustainability track. 

No matter which track you select, by the time you complete your Legal Studies minor, you will have flexed your critical thinking skills, developed your communication skills, and gained an understanding of how the law operates in our society.

Please reach out to if you have any questions, and watch a video recording of a Legal Studies Minor Info Session to learn more. We look forward to working with you.

Office Hours

The Legal Studies Minor Advisor will host open office hours on the following schedule:

  • Tuesdays: 3-4 pm, in person
  • Wednesdays: 11 am-12 pm, in person
  • Thursdays: 3-4 pm, Zoom*
  • Fridays: 11 am – 12 pm, Zoom*

*Please email Rebecca Ray, Legal Studies Minor Advisor, to schedule an appointment during Zoom office hours.

Program Description

The Legal Studies minor, administered by the College of Law, is designed to provide students with a better understanding of how the law operates in a variety of contexts and develop critical thinking skills. The minor requires 18 hours of credit, with nine hours of core courses taught by College of Law professors and affiliated faculty, and an additional nine hours in one of three tracks: 1) Law & Politics; 2) Law & Cultures; or 3) Law & Economics of Food Security and Sustainability.

6 credit hours must be in 300- or 400- level courses. Other qualifying 300- or 400- level courses may be approved in consultation with the minor advisor. Students must have completed 30 credit hours prior to application, have Academic Good Standing status, and have a cumulative 3.25 GPA or higher.

Prospective Legal Studies Minors must apply for acceptance into the program. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Legal Studies Minor Requirements

Core Course WorkCourse TitleCredit Hours
LAW 201Basic Constitutional Law & Individual Rights3
LAW 301Introduction to Law3
LAW 302Transitional Justice3
LAW 303Living the Law3
LAW 304Introduction to Legal Research3
LAW 305Art and Cultural Property Law3
EPOL/EPS/AAS/AFRO/LLS 310Race and Cultural Diversity4
SOC 479Law and Society3
PS 323Law and Representation3

Students will select one of the following tracks, and choose at least 9 credit hours from the course options for each track:

Law & Politics Track

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
HDFS 330Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life3
PHIL 106Ethics and Social Policy3
PHIL 107Intro to Political Philosophy3
PHIL 380Current Controversies3
PHIL 435Social Philosophy3
PHIL 436Phil of Law and of the State3
PS 214American Indian Law & Politics3
PS 301The US Constitution I3
PS 302The US Constitution II3
PS 305The US Supreme Court3
PS 306Judicial Politics3
PS 322Law and Public Policy3
PS 386International Law3

Law & Cultures Track

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
AAS 370/LLS 372Immigration, Law, and Rights3
AFRO 378Race and Revolutions3
ANTH 350Cultures of Law3
GLBL 220Governance3
GLBL 260Global Human Rights3
GWS/SOC 201Race, Gender and Power3
HDFS 320Families and the Law3
HDFS 330Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life3
HDFS 420Inequality, Public Policy, and U.S. Families3
LLS/AIS/AFRO/AAS/GWS 343Criminalization and Punishment3
LLS 473Immigration, Health and Society3
PHIL 106Ethics and Social Policy3
PHIL 214Biomedical Ethics3
PHIL 380Current Controversies3
PS/AAS/AFRO/LLS 201U.S. Racial & Ethnic Politics3
PS 214American Indian Law & Politics3
PSYC 468Psychology and the Law3

Law & Economics of Food Security and Sustainability Track

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
ACE 210Environmental Economics3
ACE 251The World Food Economy3
ACE 255Economics of Food and Environmental Justice3
ACE 306Food Law3
ACE 310Natural Resource Economics3
ACE 321Principles of Public Policy3
ACE 403Agricultural Law3
ACE 406Environmental Law3
ACE 410Energy Economics3
ACE 411Environment and Development3
ACE 456Agriculture & Food Policies3

Our Team

Jennifer Pahre

Jennie Pahre
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Teaching Professor

Rebecca Ray

Rebecca Ray
Legal Studies Minor Advisor
Mock Trial Coach