Does the College of Law offer a part-time program?
No, it does not. Ours is a full-time program only, beginning in fall.

What is the best “pre-law” curriculum?
If a student has successfully completed a baccalaureate degree (or will have completed a baccalaureate degree prior to enrolling in law school), he or she has completed the only necessary prerequisite. Law school requires no particular curriculum prior to admission. Nonetheless, prospective law students can give themselves an edge by giving extra attention to particular coursework. There is no specific major required for law school. We have admitted students with majors ranging from Electrical Engineering to Musical Theatre. Students may find that coursework focusing on writing/grammar and rhetoric may be especially useful in law school.

Is there a recommended type of computer or laptop for law school?
Although the ownership of any computer will satisfy the academic need, notebook computers using Windows 10 and 11 operating systems and one of the 2 latest Mac OS X based computers offer the most utility and value for students at the College of Law. Chromebooks are not recommended.

Are interviews a part of the College of Law admission process?
No, they are not. We may, from time to time, ask a particular applicant for a brief telephone or Skype interview to address a specific question from the Admissions Committee.

Does the College of Law maintain a waitlist?
Yes. Like most schools, the law school does maintain a waitlist, though it is not ranked.

Does the Admissions Committee require work experience prior to law school?
While many of our students have work experience, it is certainly not required.

Does the College of Law offer an Early Decision Program?
No, we do not.

Does the College of Law offer application fee waivers?
We don’t want to miss out on great students because of an unaffordable application fee, so the application is free for everyone. Just apply through our website. The fee waiver is automatic.

How does the College of Law weigh LSAT and GPA scores?
Everything in an application is relative to the other factors therein. We are looking for overall strength. LSATs and GPAs are certainly important factors that we look at, but by no means do they tell the whole story. Like most schools, we review applications holistically.

How many letters of recommendation does the College of Law require?
We require two letters of recommendation, but will take up to four. If you’re coming straight from undergrad, the letters should be academic (i.e., from professors or teaching assistants). If you’ve been in the workforce for a while and getting academic letters would be burdensome, professional references will be fine. Letters of recommendation are preferred over evaluations, and every applicant must have at least two letters of recommendation.

How do I apply for a joint degree program?
You must apply and be accepted by both schools co-sponsoring the program. You do not have to decide immediately upon entering law school that you want to do a joint degree. Sometimes it’s better to wait until after your first year of law school when you’ll have better clarity of your professional goals and how you will need to organize your time to be successful. It is not, however, possible for a law student to get law credit for any graduate coursework taken prior to enrolling in law school. Please contact the Office of Admissions & Financial Aid if you have questions about pursuing a joint degree program.

How do I apply to the JD program?
The application may be found here.

How will I be notified of my admissions decision?
You will receive an initial notification by email. Admitted students will also receive a letter in the mail.

How do I check on the status of my application?
There is an online status checker where you can check the status of application. Or, you may simply contact the Office of Admissions & Financial Aid via phone or email.

If I am not accepted this year, may I reapply?
Yes, you may. However, it might be a good idea to call or make an appointment with one of the admissions directors beforehand to determine why your application was denied the first time. They can advise if you can improve your chances for admission on the second effort.

May transfer students participate in On-Campus Interviewing and journals?
Absolutely! Please see the Transfer & Visiting Students section for more information as the transfer application process opens in February 15. Transfer applicants may have specific deadlines to be eligible for On-Campus Interviewing and/or journals.

What is the application deadline?
The application cycle runs from September 1 through March 15.

What is the College of Law looking for in the personal statement?
The personal statement is really your canvas to tell us what you want us to know about you. Some students talk about why they want to be an attorney, but that is not required. What’s most important is that the Admissions Committee gets a good idea about what kind of person you are, your interests, and what you’re passionate about.

What types of scholarships are available, and how are they awarded?
The law school awards merit scholarships and notifies the applicant at the time of admission.

Will it hurt my chances for admission if I take the February LSAT?
It depends on a number of factors, but as a practical matter, February test-takers are applying near the end of our admissions cycle when most admission offers are already outstanding, and at some point it just becomes a matter of pure economics—supply and demand. It is true that every year we must deny students who would have otherwise been admitted had they applied earlier in the cycle. There are only so many seats, and there are thousands of applications. That said, however, we do admit some February test-takers every year.

Where can I view the most current first-year class profile?
The current class profile may be found here.