Program Overview
The University of Illinois College of Law is committed to encouraging its graduates to pursue public interest careers. The burden of law school debt can hinder students from choosing meaningful, low-paying careers in public service, government, and nonprofit organizations, and the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) gives graduates more flexibility in career selection by offering partial loan forgiveness to qualifying applicants.
All graduates who choose qualifying work are eligible to apply through the annual application process.
LRAP applicants must be graduating students or graduates of the College of Law. Students may apply during their third year of law school or post-graduation. The following factors determine eligibility for the program:
- Qualifying public interest employment
- Employment income
- For further information on the program and eligibility, please consult the LRAP Program and Policies Handbook
Application Procedures
The application will be available once a year. The application will contain:
- Verification of employment letter from current employer and, if applying for first time more than a year after graduation, previous post-law school employment.
- Income information on a calendar year schedule.
- List of qualifying debts, including lenders’ names, date of origination, interest rate(s), current status of debt, and date debt repayment begins.
- Signed copy of federal tax return for the previous year, and spouse’s return where applicable.
- Agreement to report changes in employment status or salary.
- Proof of residence in a designated cost-of-living locale where applicable.
- If loans are in repayment, proof that law school educational debt is in good standing.
- Any other information deemed necessary by the administrator.
All supporting documents must be emailed to
The 2024–2025 application is not yet available; please check back.
For more information about LRAP, please contact the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at (217) 244-6415.
Gifts to LRAP
The Loan Repayment Assistance Program is in need of your help to ensure its continuing success. To contribute to this program, please make a gift online or contact the Office of Advancement.